Saturday, October 15, 2016

He's Talking about All of Us

Image result for donald trump stalking Hillary picture

Trump's response was to scoff at the physical appearances of his accusers and opponent

Maybe it’s a woman thing. When Predator Trump talks about groping women, or the women he’s groped tell their stories, I feel personally violated and threatened. I feel sick to my stomach. And every male human seems a little more foreign and scary. Trump reminds me that we’re only a few generations evolved from the days when Genghis Khan and his type raped their way across Asia and Europe. The Daesch, Boko Haram, and the flourishing world-wide sex trade are proof that our daughters are not more safe than we were in the 1970’s. When one man says it’s okay to use superior strength or power to overcome women’s bodies, he’s talking about all of us…and all of them.

Regardless who wins this presidential election, we should prepare for more attacks on women. If it is Trump, more men and boys will adopt his attitudes. If Clinton, women will be derided the way Barack Obama has been. We will all appear more threatening, once the presidential glass ceiling has been broken. The congressmen who vowed to obstruct Obama’s progress are still in office. The voters who embraced Trump’s sexism, racism, bullying tactics, and xenophobia will still be among us. Self defense and self-esteem classes for young women should be mandatory. Men whose ideas have evolved will need to step up and be strong allies, because the next four years may not be easy.

But if Clinton wins, progress will be made, as it has been under President Obama. The next time a minority or woman runs for president, it will not be such a hurdle or insult to white men who have dominated our nation’s politics and economy since its inception. Women and people of color will receive more respect in all areas of business, academia, home-life, and politics. As our children grow up, the idea of a woman or minority in charge will not phase them; it will be as common as the personal computers we carry in our pockets.

Evil gives good people an opportunity to define themselves. Donald Trump has verbalized much of what is wrong with our country, starting with fear and lack of respect. He’s been so obvious that many people have felt compelled to speak up. And ultimately, he may do more good for American women's progress, by blatantly illustrating what we’re all fighting to put behind us.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Dividing NC - Phil Berger

Phil Berger
     This is Phil Berger from Eden, powerful leader of the Republican majority in the NC legislature. From 2006-8, I served as advocacy chair for the Guilford County Council of PTA's. Along with other education leaders from Guilford County, I went to Raleigh to lobby our representatives to protect public schools from looming budget cuts. Because Mr. Berger represented northwest Guilford County, he was included in our delegation meetings.

     At that time, Democrats were in control of our legislature, and representatives like Pricey Harrison, Don Vaughn, Alma Adams, and Maggie Jeffus were quite receptive to our concerns. Republican Laura Wiley was sympathetic, and John Blust was friendly, though wanted mostly to talk about his flat tax idea.

    At the first meeting, Mr. Berger said he couldn’t help us, because Republicans were in the minority and had no power. During our second visit, he left early saying, “We don’t listen to teachers.”

     A couple of years later, the NC Tea Party swept Republicans into control of the NC legislature for “the first time in 100 years.” (Note that Democrats and Republicans switched ideological positions between the FDR presidency and the Civil Rights movement.)

     Not long after coming into power, Mr. Berger helped raise the Charter school cap, in a bill which divides and reduces support for NC's public schools. He didn’t listen to teacher or school system concerns about this bill. (You can read my editorial at:

     A year later, Berger and Thom Tillis brought us Amendment One, cleverly designed to divide our previously peaceful state over a controversial social issue. Again they ignored the concerns of teachers, law school professors, ministers and the public. Of course I wrote editorials…J

     The most recent insult is HB2, passed without listening to opposition from business people or teachers, meeting actual transgender people, or even watching a few seasons of Glee. “We don’t listen to teachers” Berger apparently doesn’t listen to anyone who disagrees with his far-right agenda.

     Unfortunately this deaf legislator seems immune to being voted out of his district. But we could limit his power if we change the majority or vote more moderates into the state legislature. We could also give veto power to a governor who understands constitutional law, and won’t use his office to promote discriminatory legislation. Roy Cooper might even listen to our teachers and school systems.

     The GOP can no longer claim to be the party of Lincoln or the authority on Biblical truth, because they have forgotten a most important sentiment expressed by Matthew, Mark, and Lincoln – “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Republican infighting and lack of support for our president at the national level is reflected at our state level by divisive and unnecessary legislation. NC and the country need to come back together over all we have in common, and stop using our minorities and children as political pawns. Our differences and our children make us stronger if we treat them as resources and build upon their strengths instead of using them to divide and conquer.